Note: This post may contain statements that I no longer consider true.
See: The Vivos mRNA Appliance Didn't Improve My Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
No news is no news. This update brings us to the end of May 2022. Look forward to more excitement next month…
Here are this month’s graphs:
Twenty Months Vivos mRNA Appliance Usage

Twentieth Month Vivos mRNA Appliance CPAP Pressure Trend

Twenty Months Vivos mRNA Appliance CPAP Pressure Trend

Twentieth Month Vivos mRNA Appliance AHI and Event Trend

Twenty Months Vivos mRNA Appliance AHI and Event Trend

Daniela Petrilli · February 11, 2023 at 7:06 AM
How are you doing now? Has anything helped your sleep apnea?
Fred Leden · August 6, 2022 at 9:35 AM
Hey, my identical twin and I (21) both suffer from TMJD primarily but now are realizing that we most likely have sleep apnea (chronically tired, but are young and health so we were always dismissed). We are in a situation similar to the one DNA vlog series SmashFace Jimbo ( and he’s going to see the dentist/ortho there (Dr. Ira Shapira) which Jimbo actually used (I only found his channel today but I’m shocked to see someone else going through what I am). I’ve seen you around a lot of yt/forum posts so I wanted to get your opinion. This is all so niche and since I’m a twin we have to pay all that money twice. It’s really impacting our lives so any advice is appreciated.
Has the DNA appliance helped enough or do you think you will have to explore another option (MSE, etc.)
Graham Stoney · August 14, 2022 at 1:42 AM
Hi Fred. Sorry to hear about your and your identical twin’s TMJD and possible sleep apnea. Did you have orthodontic treatment prior to the TMJD by any chance? I don’t have any experience with TMJD so I can’t make any suggestions other than to get a sleep study to see if you do indeed have OSA, and if so get it treated. Smash Face Jimbo hasn’t done an update in a couple of years so I don’t know if his DNA appliance was successful. Unfortunately the DNA appliance made no improvement to my OSA so I’m now exploring maxillomandibular advancement surgery.
Elizabeth · August 14, 2022 at 7:21 AM
Hi Graham! I’m in the homeoblock right now. I want to change tot Vivos. The homeoblock is a nightmare. did the vivos expand your arches at all – width and anteriorly? did you get another scan at the end of the 2 years?
Graham Stoney · August 14, 2022 at 9:34 AM
No, Vivos did not expand my arches. I had a scan at 14 months showing that it was just tipping my teeth. After 20 months a sleep study showed no improvement in my obstructive sleep apnea. Sorry to hear you’re finding homeoblock a nightmare. Could you clarify please? They are very similar.
A. Joseph Borelli, Jr., M.D. · December 5, 2023 at 6:15 PM
I have yet to see any convincing, peer – reviewed or otherwise data that shows that any of these devices can enlarge the jaws of adults. But, I am open minded. Everything I’ve seen is a couple before and after images but as a radiologist I’d need to see the entire study to confirm the measurements are accurate.
Erik · July 1, 2022 at 4:31 PM
Any updates on your CFS situation? Curious how you’re going… Cheers