Note: In November 2018 I was diagnosed with severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
Check my most recent posts on sleep apnea.
Music is a big part of my life nowadays. Shortly after I fell ill, I decided to start learning to play guitar. I thought it would be a great way to connect with healthy people without taking up too much energy, and it was. Rather than sitting around complaining about how I felt, I spent a lot of time learning the hand shapes, getting the hang of strumming and hanging out with other musically minded people.
It turned out that I had quite a bit of spare time available to practise while recovering. I also learned to play drums, and now I do volunteer work for a charity that provides music and yoga to disadvantaged people. Playing music with people whose lives are more challenging than mine reminds me to be grateful for the health I have.
So here are my Top Ten Songs for CFS:
1: Matchbox Twenty – Unwell
I’m not crazy, I’m just a little unwell. Self-explanatory really:
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Diane O'Connor · August 17, 2016 at 10:24 PM
This is so interesting (the parallels that you and I have). Music is a huge part of my life and after we spoke on the phone something stuck in my mind. You shared that one of the things you did was ask yourself “What have I been holding off doing until I get well?” I started making a list for myself. One of the items was “Try to play guitar again.” I have some fibro issues so trying to wrap my arms around something that size has been painful for my neck and shoulders but I just started thinking “ok, what about a ukelele?” So for my 60th birthday I’m buying myself a ukelele!
Graham · August 19, 2016 at 10:16 AM
Awesome Diane! I acknowledge you for finding something that works for you and not giving up just because you’re not 100% well. I’d highly recommend joining a Ukelele class if you can, but if that’s not practical the application I’ve been using to learn Guitar is called Yousician, and it also supports Ukelele. Let’s jam online sometime!
Nancy R · August 17, 2016 at 12:34 PM
I miss playing piano, guitar, and clarinet. Hypermobile joints, Ehler’s Danlos. Even tried with all of my braces and finger splints on. Now that I’ve adjusted to altitude in Boulder, CO … maybe try singing?
Graham · August 19, 2016 at 10:18 AM
I think singing is a great outlet. It’s engaging, potentially social, and it gets the breathing going. I say go for it!