This is a list of resources I reviewed when I was researching surgical options for curing my obstructive sleep apnea. I focused on those that addressed my particular problem of a retrognathic maxilla and underdeveloped jaws, causing a lack of sufficient tongue space and creating an airway obstruction behind my lower jaw during sleep.
If you prefer an alternative that avoids surgery, see Maxillary Expansion For Obstructive Sleep Apnea Resource Bookmarks instead.

Surgical Options for the Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Surgery For Sleep Apnea – Sleep Apnea
Surgical Therapy For Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Why Orthotropics Suggests Not To Have Jaw Surgery By Dr Mike Mew – YouTube
Adult Sleep Apnea Surgery – Sleep Apnea Surgery Center
The Jaw Surgery Solution by Profilo
Surgical Therapy for Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome – PubMed
Bilateral Internal Ramus Distraction (BIRD)
Distraction Osteogenesis Maxillary Expansion (DOME)
Distraction Osteogenesis Maxillary Expansion (DOME) at Stanford Medicine
Distraction Osteogenesis Maxillary Expansion (DOME) for Adult Obstructive Sleep Apnea Patients with High Arched Palate. Pubmed
Distraction osteogenesis as a treatment of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
Maxillary expansion with transpalatal distraction. I stage-LF I and midline osteotomy – YouTube
Anyone has experience with DOME (Distraction Osteogenesis Maxillary Expansion)? : SleepApnea
Endoscopically-Assisted Surgical Expansion (EASE)
Endoscopically-assisted surgical expansion (EASE) for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea. PDF.
EASE – Sleep Apnea Surgery Center
Kasey Li: Maxillary expansion using endoscopic-assisted-surgical expansion – World Sleep 2019
Maxillary Expansion with Dr. Kasey Li | Not All Are Created Equal | EASE
Intermolar Mandibular Distraction Osteogenesis (IMDO)
Dr Paul Coceancig’s technique to expand and advance a small lower jaw by growing it forwards with surgically implanted distractors, which moves the tongue out of the airway.
What is IMDO™ » Profilo° Surgical
How IMDO & GenioPaully was developed. jaw surgery redesigned
6Ways To Design A Face by Paul Coceancig chapters 8-10
U.S patent 9,113,958 & Australian patent 2012202977: Distractor device and a method for distracting a jaw bone.
Mandibular Symphyseal Distraction Osteogenesis (MSDO)
Maxillomandibular Advancement (MMA)
See: Maxillomandibular Advancement (MMA) Surgery For Obstructive Sleep Apnea Resource Bookmarks
Maxillomandibular Expansion (MME)
Minimally Invasive Nasal Endoscopic Maxillary Expansion (MINE)
Surgically Assisted Rapid Palatal/Maxillary Expansion (SARPE/SARME)
Surgical Maxillary Expansion for OSA Adults with Nasal Obstruction | Request PDF
Submucosal Minimally Invasive Lingual Excision (SMILE)
Surgically Facillitated Orthodontic Therapy (SFOT)
Surgically Facilitated Orthodontic Therapy (SFOT): Maximizing case outcome | Perio-Implant Advisory
Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP)
Sleep Surgery – Sydney Centre for Ear, Nose & Throat
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1 Comment
John · January 11, 2022 at 11:35 AM
Thanks for the links. But I don’t believe any of these surgical procedures are currently publicly available (other than a Lefort 3, which is prohibitively traumatic) . In Jan 2020 I flew 3000 miles to meet with a Dentist in Los Angeles that marketed the DOME procedure on her website. Turns out she was just recruiting people for a study being done by a Doctor at Stanford, and I was not a good candidate for the study because of age and the fact that I have an implant, things I could have been told over the phone. Hopefully a moderate surgical solution will become publicly available before I die of asphyxiation