Update on Adhesive Capsulitis

Back in February this year I started experiencing an excruciating pain in my shoulders accompanied with a severely limited range of motion. This made everything from reaching up to get things from a high kitchen cupboard to putting on a T-shirt impossible. I was diagnosed with adhesive capsulitis, the stabbing pain of which I once heard a woman who had experienced both describe as “worse than childbirth”. (more…)

Myofunctional Therapy Exercises For Use With The DNA Appliance

Myofunctional therapy is a series of exercises intended to strengthen the muscles of the tongue, mouth and upper throat and help maintain the airway during sleep, improving obstructive sleep apnea. At the end of this talk, Dr Singh answers a question about myofunctional therapy by saying that it should be part of the DNA appliance treatment protocol. A literature review found that myofunctional therapy can reduce AHI by 50% in adults with moderate sleep apnea and could serve as an adjunct to other obstructive sleep apnea treatment. (more…)